We’re gonna need a bigger boat!
Let’s be honest, if I fell in love with the Kharadron Overlords it was above all a question of aesthetics. I never thought I’d see Games Workshop mix Duardins, ships, and Steam punk in such an inventive way. This army has a unique look.
This is an army with a model going into battle with a mini-balloon backpack and battle armor that includes a top hat-shaped helmet. Who can resist Brokk Grungsson? We can only yield in front of an army including miniatures like the Endrinriggers, the Arkanaut Frigate or the Arkanaut Ironclad!

Speed, give me what I need
In my old days I played
- Space Marine, with Assault Squad with Jetpack
- Eldar Craftworlds with Black Guardian Windriders, Swooping Hawks, Vyper and Falcon
- Tomb Kings with War Chariots, a lot.
- Cryx (Warmachine) with Bonejacks, lots of Bonejacks
You could say that I have always placed a high value on mobility. So if you like mobility, the Kharadrons Overlord might be for you too. Embark your Arkanaut Company in your Aetherships. Escort your troops with Grundstock Gunhauler and Endrinriggers and take the battlefield. Use this speed to take objectives and avoid the more melee oriented troops (shoot them instead).

The Kharadron Code
If you aren’t keen on their looks, or their gameplay, maybe you will be interested in their lore. In the ethers float the Duardins Skyports, ruled by guilds and code. Arkanaut companies are pirates… no… “traders“. If you are tired of playing armies of very nice or very bad guys, sign up with the industrious Kharadrons Overlords. Prosper or Die!