That ol’ Chestnut Ink
If you’re an old geezer like me, you may remember Citadel’s Chestnut Ink. This ink, now discontinued, had a nice red tinge that gave a very good copper effect on golden paint.
I read on the internet, too long ago to remember where unfortunately, that liquitex Burnt Sienna ink is a good replacement. Intrigued, I bought a bottle, here is a test of different inks from Games Workshop’s Citadel line, Privateer Press‘s own P3 and the Liquitex Burnt Sienna.
After this try out, I find that the Liquitex Burnt Sienna is actually close to Chestnut Ink. Reikland Flesh is also very close and a nice shade of color. On the other hand, I was disapointed by P3 Brown Ink, by far, the least pleasant to use. Here’s a Liquitex test on an Arkanaut Kharadron Overlord model:

with Fulgurite Copper highlights
The color test: